Month: August 2018

Extreme Weather and Climate Change

Marietta Times Editorial  August 26, 2018 George Banziger, Marietta – We in the Mid-Ohio Valley have experienced a relatively moderate summer — no extended heat waves or severe storms. Such is not the case in other parts of… Read More

Man-made woes

Parkersburg News and Sentinel – Aug 19, 2018 Margaret Meeker – After watching the news of the fires in California a family member said, “Is God trying to tell California something?” I don’t think it is God but… Read More

Work to fight climate change

Parkersburg News and Sentinel – Aug 19, 2018 Eric Engle – Dangerous anthropogenic (human-caused) global climate change is upon us. It is not just a threat to be feared down the road, but is a reality here and… Read More