Climate Corner: What’s a tree worth

Aug 31, 2024 Vic Elam This is a complicated question, and the value of a tree varies upon the perspective of the beholder. One could look at it simply from the commercial perspective and determine the board… Read More

Guest column/Hydrogen hub project is bad for our communities

Aug 24, 2024 RANDI POKLADNIK On Aug. 16, I sat in on the third public meeting (by zoom) about the ARCH2 Clean Hydrogen Hub. This meeting was conducted by the Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations. The Department of… Read More

Climate Corner: A new kind of victory garden

Aug 24, 2024 Randi Pokladnik During World War II, citizens were encouraged to plant “victory gardens” to support the war effort. Historical references point out that many countries, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and Great Britain,… Read More

Op-ed: Expanding oil and gas use not the answer

Aug 22, 2024 Eric Engle It should come as no surprise to anyone that the presidents of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, the West Virginia Oil & Gas Association and the Ohio Oil & Gas Association would claim… Read More

Climate Corner: Is climate change driving us crazy?

Aug 17, 2024 George Banziger The mass deaths of coral reefs, the abrupt thawing of the permafrost, the collapse of Greenland Ice, the loss of the Amazon Forest, the shutdown of the Atlantic currents. These headlines can… Read More

Climate Corner: Learn more about an alternative

Aug 10, 2024 Eric Engle On Thursday, Aug. 15, from 6-7:30 p.m., at the Parkersburg & Wood County Public Library at 3100 Emerson Ave. in North Parkersburg, the West Virginia solar installation company Solar Holler will be… Read More

Climate Corner: A crash course on plant hardiness zones

Aug 3, 2024 Danesha Seth Carley Many people are familiar with the term “growing zone” as it is often included on plant labels that help gardeners decide which plants might thrive in their home gardens. A plant… Read More

Suggested readings for August 2024

MOVCA Selected Media Postings June – July 2024 (plus a few missed in the last listing) Compiled by Cindy Taylor NOTE from Cindy: When scrolling through this selected media listing, you will find some media postings openly available… Read More