Good News for the Ohio River Valley!

Written by: Dr. Randi Pokladnik | Posted on: 12-30-2023 | FaCT: Faith Communities Together for a Sustainable Future Category: News | Ohio River Valley PTTGCA Solar battery storage FORM Energy As 2023 comes to an end, the people in the Ohio River Valley… Read More

Climate Corner: Leading the charge

Jan 29, 2024 Giulia Mannarino President Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) into law on Aug. 16, 2022. It’s the largest, most ambitious investment in climate and energy in American history. This law will help the… Read More

Climate Corner: No more time to delay action

Jan 20, 2024 Eric Engle The International Energy Agency recently reported that an estimated 507 gigawatts of renewable electricity were added globally in 2023, three-quarters of which was solar. Most of this solar was built in China,… Read More

Climate Corner: America’s vanishing treasures

Jan 13, 2024 Vic Elam “Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed. It is a many faceted treasure, of value to… Read More

Climate Corner: Time to get off the bench

Jan 6, 2024 Randi Pokladnik The final 2023 column of the Climate Corner, written by George Banziger, “Some Good News for the Climate in 2023,” spoke about the progress we have made toward addressing the climate crisis…. Read More

Suggested Readings for January 2024

MOVCA Selected Media Postings November – December 2023 Plus a few missed in the October listing. Compiled by Cindy Taylor Appearing online in The Parkersburg News and Sentinel: December 2, 2023 Editorial “Energy: School solar project has a… Read More