Climate Corner: Good news for everyone

May 11, 2024 Rebecca Phillips Spring is a good time for some good news, given how surrounded we are by bad news so much of the time. The good news is even better when it pertains to… Read More

Climate Corner: Climate Corps a place to learn skills, duty and responsibility

May 4, 2024 Jean Ambrose I’m a student of history. In times like these, it gives me hope to look at other times when the future seemed dim to remember that we’re not novices in confronting great… Read More

Climate Corner: An Earth Day to celebrate

Apr 27, 2024 Callie Lyons Earlier this month, we received unprecedented news regarding PFAS when the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced enforceable drinking water limits on two forever chemicals — specifically PFOA (or C8) and PFOS. After… Read More

Climate Corner: Permitting harm

Apr 20, 2024 Giulia Mannarino PFAS (polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances) are a group of man-made chemicals that have been used since the 1940s, mostly to make consumer goods waterproof/stain resistant or nonstick. These chemicals are very common… Read More

Climate Corner: Growing good for the planet

Apr 13, 2024 Sister Molly Bauer Many faith communities are collaborating with other organizations and individuals desiring to make a difference by caring for our sacred earth. This often arises from the understanding that we are called… Read More

Climate Corner: How my life changed driving a used EV

Apr 6, 2024 Jonathan Brier In October 2023 I wrote “Electrify The MOV it just makes cents” and said I would buy an EV. Little did I know I would find a used EV with 20k miles… Read More

Climate Corner: Water is life

Mar 30, 2024 Vic Elam During the Roman Empire, it is thought that lead poisoning from the lead pipes that the Romans used may have caused or contributed to the downfall of the Roman Empire. Yet today… Read More

Climate Corner: More fracked gas is a dead end

Mar 23, 2024 Eric Engle It’s clearer than ever that, for residents of Ohio and greater Appalachia, the fracking “boom” has turned out to be a bust. The Appalachian Hydrogen Hub will only be another dead end… Read More

Climate Corner: Transition from exploitation to sustainability

Mar 16, 2024 George Banziger The exploitation of Appalachia by outsiders goes all the way back to the days of George Washington, who, prior to serving as our first president, surveyed the lands around the Ohio River… Read More

Climate Corner: Detoxing your home

Mar 9, 2024 Randi Pokladnik Spring is usually the time homeowners decide to take inventory of unnecessary “junk” and clean out closets, garages, and other areas of their homes. It is also a good time to detox… Read More