Climate Corner: Fracking — good water in, bad water out

Jun 1, 2024 George Banziger With the active support of state legislatures in West Virginia and Ohio and the engagement of oil and gas companies, many of which are based outside of this region, fracking (high-pressure hydraulic… Read More

Fracking Under Public Lands

Apr 13, 2024 George Banziger Letters to the Editor The Marietta Times I am outraged by the decision of the Ohio Legislature (both houses) and the governor for mandating fracking, i.e., high-pressure hydraulic fracturing, under Ohio public lands…. Read More

Climate Corner: Transition from exploitation to sustainability

Mar 16, 2024 George Banziger The exploitation of Appalachia by outsiders goes all the way back to the days of George Washington, who, prior to serving as our first president, surveyed the lands around the Ohio River… Read More

Climate Corner: Some good news for the climate in 2023

Dec 30, 2023 George Banziger At the end of the calendar year, it is customary to review the highlights of the past year. There was compelling evidence of the urgency needed to address the climate crisis right… Read More

Put an end to sacrilegious treatment of public lands

Nov 25, 2023 George Banzinger In its Nov. 16 edition, The Marietta Times carried a story with the headline, “Ohio commission approves fracking in state parks.” I attended this event at the headquarters of the Ohio Department of… Read More

Climate Corner: Why should we sacrifice for fossil fuels?

Oct 14, 2023 George Banziger Advocates of the fossil-fuel industry often claim that the expeditious transition to renewable energy will involve sacrifice on the part of everyday Americans. What has truly involved sacrifice for most Americans, and,… Read More

Climate Corner: Transition to renewable energy — environmental and economic renewal

Jul 29, 2023 George Banziger A recurrent myth in the Mid-Ohio Valley is that the transition to renewable energy from fossil fuels has to be painful and fraught with job loss, economic decline, and sacrifice. This assumption… Read More

State parks, wildlife areas on fracking list

Jun 17, 2023 The Marietta Times George Banziger “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” This quote, is from Dr. Seuss’s 1971 book “The Lorax.” These words may… Read More

Climate Corner: Addressing climate change in your own backyard

May 13, 2023 George Banziger editorial@newsandsentinel.comFor anyone in the Mid-Ohio Valley who senses the importance and urgency to act on climate change, these can be frustrating and discouraging times. Public officials in West Virginia seem inextricably committed to… Read More

Speak up against AEP rate increase

May 9, 2023 Marietta Times Letter to the Editor George Banziger American Electric Power (AEP) is raising its electricity rates in Ohio on June 1 by 28%. On top of that huge increase, AEP Ohio is proposing an… Read More