Climate Corner: The Great Filter and the coming election

Jul 20, 2024 Jean Ambrose As a writer for Climate Corner, I am always excited to share news of the progress being made around the globe to develop renewable energy sources. In the United States, the investments… Read More

Climate Corner: Climate Corps a place to learn skills, duty and responsibility

May 4, 2024 Jean Ambrose I’m a student of history. In times like these, it gives me hope to look at other times when the future seemed dim to remember that we’re not novices in confronting great… Read More

Climate Corner: Net metering benefits all

Feb 17, 2024 Jean Ambrose editorial@newsandsentinel.come) As someone who lives in rural Wood County, I experience frequent power outages. That means worrying about whether my freezer is going to thaw or if my blood sugar alarm is working…. Read More

Climate Corner: Gifting for the planet made easy

Dec 2, 2023 Jean Ambrose I don’t know about you, but for many years I had anxiety attacks on Black Friday because I knew there were only three weeks left to purchase gifts for Christmas. My stress… Read More

Climate Corner: Beyond shopping bags

News & Sentinel Sep 16, 2023 Jean Ambrose After a month of climate-induced catastrophes across the world–so called “thousand year” floods in eight countries in just the past eleven days! –I’ve been feeling as though my efforts to… Read More

Climate Corner: Generation Z speaks out

Jul 1, 2023 Jean Ambrose    I recently participated in a national conversations project — Local Voices for a Fair Workforce Transition — that seeks to better understand the life experiences of those in communities most reliant on… Read More

Climate Corner:‘The most wonderful time to be alive’

Apr 22, 2023 Jean Ambrose Botanist and bestselling author Robin Wall Kimmerer was recently in Athens, lecturing on indigenous wisdom, scientific knowledge and what we can learn from plants and the natural world. As both a scientist… Read More

Climate Corner: An intergenerational partnership

Jan 28, 2023 Jean Ambrose When America was attacked on 9/11, more than 20 years ago and before anyone now in high school was born, there was a prevalent idea that if there were the smallest chance… Read More