Climate Corner: Citizen watchdogs

Jun 8, 2024 Randi Pokladnik In 1978, Lois Gibbs, a homeowner in the suburb of Love Canal, N.Y., was concerned with her son’s failing health. She attributed it to him attending the 99th Street School, which was… Read More

Current and former Ohio politicians from both parties bow at the altar of fossil fuels

Randi Pokladnik   May 22, 2024 4:30 am Ohio’s Republican politicians will do anything to promote fracking in Ohio. They’ve passed legislation that outlaws protests against oil and gas infrastructure (SB 33); forces Ohio landowners into fracking leases… Read More

Climate Corner: Detoxing your home

Mar 9, 2024 Randi Pokladnik Spring is usually the time homeowners decide to take inventory of unnecessary “junk” and clean out closets, garages, and other areas of their homes. It is also a good time to detox… Read More

Stop all LNG projects

2/28/2024 Randi Pokladnik Canton Repository The recent op-ed in The Hill, titled “Biden’s LNG decision will make it harder to reach our climate goals,” by Tim Ryan and Mary Landrieu, claims that “without natural gas as a foundation,”… Read More

Property rights take a back seat to fossil fuel profits

February 19, 2024 Dr. Randi Pokladnik LTE Columbus Dispatch Ohio pro-fossil-fuel laws are enabling both public and private lands to be exploited by out-of-state fossil fuel companies. In 2022, House Bill 507 was passed during the 2022 General Assembly “lame duck” session…. Read More

Renewable energy is no threat to agriculture

Feb 3, 2024 RANDI POKLADNIK Herald-Star Online Why does Ohio’s Republican party continue to vilify solar and wind energy, as evidenced by a recent opinion piece “We must abandon reckless wind and solar subsidies” by U.S. Senate candidate… Read More

Good News for the Ohio River Valley!

Written by: Dr. Randi Pokladnik | Posted on: 12-30-2023 | FaCT: Faith Communities Together for a Sustainable Future Category: News | Ohio River Valley PTTGCA Solar battery storage FORM Energy As 2023 comes to an end, the people in the Ohio River Valley… Read More

Climate Corner: Time to get off the bench

Jan 6, 2024 Randi Pokladnik The final 2023 column of the Climate Corner, written by George Banziger, “Some Good News for the Climate in 2023,” spoke about the progress we have made toward addressing the climate crisis…. Read More

Democracy Denied: Oil and Gas Land Management Commission

Written by: Dr. Randi Pokladnik | Posted on: 12-27-2023 | FaCT: Faith Communities Together for a Sustainable Future Category: fracking | oil and gas commission On Monday, September 18th, about 75 Ohio citizens traveled from all over the state… Read More

Another Assault on Local Communities and National Forests

Written by: Dr. Randi Pokladnik | Posted on: 12-27-2023 | FaCT: Faith Communities Together for a Sustainable Future Category: action | fracking carbon capture and storage The United State Forest Service has proposed a rule change to allow carbon dioxide captured… Read More