Climate Corner: Good news for everyone

May 11, 2024 Rebecca Phillips Spring is a good time for some good news, given how surrounded we are by bad news so much of the time. The good news is even better when it pertains to… Read More

Climate Corner: Paradise threatened

Feb 24, 2024 Rebecca Phillips As winter drags on in the Mid-Ohio Valley, many of us dream of escaping to tropical climes until spring. Since retiring, I have been lucky enough to do just that, spending several… Read More

Climate Corner: Stubborn optimism

Dec 9, 2023 Rebecca Phillips As I write this column, the first week in December, the COP28 conference is underway in Dubai. This event is, in part, a follow-up to a treaty that the U.S. and 194… Read More

Climate Corner: Human stories amid our changing climate

Sep 9, 2023 Rebecca Phillips (Photo Provided) This column often focuses on facts and figures, and those are important, but today I want to share stories from the front lines of climate change. We in the Mid-Ohio… Read More

Climate Corner: Wildfires smoke – not just a nuisance

Jun 24, 2023 Rebecca Phillips While the Mid-Ohio Valley was spared the worst of the smoke plume from the recent Canadian wildfires, there is no doubt that we felt the effects, or that a different wind pattern… Read More

Climate Corner: Climate change and your allergies

Apr 8, 2023 Rebecca Phillips The Mid-Ohio Valley has long been known for the prevalence of respiratory woes, particularly the notorious “Ohio Valley Crud,” often a result of seasonal allergies. Unfortunately, there is bad news for allergy… Read More

Climate Corner: Maple syrup season approaches – but for how much longer?

Jan 21, 2023 Rebecca Phillips If you are like me, you look forward to each year’s maple syrup crop. After tasting the real thing, the artificially flavored and colored substance that passes for syrup in most grocery… Read More

Warning signs

Rebecca Phillips Marietta Times Sep 6, 2021 Weather-related tragedies are everywhere we look. On Sunday, Hurricane Ida left a path of destruction in Louisiana and is now tracking northeast, with flood warnings issued as far north as Cape… Read More