Climate Corner: Seize the opportunity

Jun 15, 2024 Vic Elam The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) came out with a report last year for the year 2022 and in it a scorecard ranking of all states, West Virginia and Ohio… Read More

Climate Corner: Water is life

Mar 30, 2024 Vic Elam During the Roman Empire, it is thought that lead poisoning from the lead pipes that the Romans used may have caused or contributed to the downfall of the Roman Empire. Yet today… Read More

Climate Corner: America’s vanishing treasures

Jan 13, 2024 Vic Elam “Nothing is more priceless and more worthy of preservation than the rich array of animal life with which our country has been blessed. It is a many faceted treasure, of value to… Read More

Climate Corner: Can’t get genie back in bottle

Oct 28, 2023 Parkersburg News and Sentinel Vic Elam The industrial age has served us well and the oil, gas, and coal industries have served us well to provide the energy needed to become the world power we… Read More

Climate Corner: A little humility might be in order

Aug 12, 2023 Vic Elam I find that there are a lot of people who seem to have a sense of privilege when it comes to possessions. I don’t and cannot pass judgment on anyone but offer… Read More

Climate Corner: Regulatory burden – must it be so?

May 27, 2023 Vic Elam There has been a lot of critical conversation lately about the burden that business, industry, and the economy endure because of what many view as unnecessary laws or regulations. Though I cannot… Read More

Climate Corner: Ecological grief

Mar 11, 2023 Vic Elam A few years ago, I reviewed the results of a survey of people from inner cities who were asked a number of questions about natural areas and their relation to them. One… Read More

Climate Corner: How much are you willing to tolerate?

Feb 7, 2023 The Marietta Times Vic Elam On Sept. 8 a brine truck carrying what was reported as drilling brine with zinc salts crashed on or near Mountaineer Hwy. near New Martinsville spilling 1260 gallons into a yard… Read More

Climate Corner: Diversity is the spice of life

Dec 3, 2022 Vic Elam OK, so I took a little liberty with this common axiom, but I will make the case. It has been repeatedly shown that an environment that maintains its native diversity is healthier… Read More

Climate Corner: How much are you willing to tolerate?

Oct 15, 2022 Vic Elam I am not a regular contributor to this column but found myself needing to express my concerns after a nearby event came to my attention. On Sept. 8 a brine truck carrying… Read More