Throwing us under the fracking truck

May 13, 2023 Times Leader online Randi Pokladnik Ohio’s Republican party is ignoring the health of residents in Appalachian counties as it uses the recent passage of House Bill 507 to enable fracking on Ohio’s public lands. HB… Read More

Speak up against AEP rate increase

May 9, 2023 Marietta Times Letter to the Editor George Banziger American Electric Power (AEP) is raising its electricity rates in Ohio on June 1 by 28%. On top of that huge increase, AEP Ohio is proposing an… Read More

Public land being stollen

April 24 Columbus Dispatch Letter to the Editor Aaron Dunbar I testified at the Ohio Department of Natural Resources April 10, voicing my opposition to the theft of Ohio’s state parks and public lands for oil and gas… Read More

Across-the-board accountability needed for Northfolk Southern tragedy

Feb 28, 2023 The Marietta Times Aaron Dunbar The corporate bombing of East Palestine is one of the most damning indictments of our entire political system that I have ever witnessed. There are no partisan divisions to delineate who… Read More

No — natural gas is not really green energy

Feb 25, 2023 Herald Star RANDI POKLADNIK During the recent lame duck session, Ohio’s predominantly Republican Legislature and Gov. Mike DeWine rushed to pass HB 507. The amended bill prohibits communities from banning pesticides within city borders and allows… Read More

Regulations needed

Feb 22, 2023 The Marietta Times George Banziger In last weekend’s edition of the Marietta Times there was a column describing the lack of confidence that the residents of East Palestine, Ohio, have, in the wake of the derailment… Read More

Ohio counties lose money by snubbing renewables

Feb. 10, 2023 Letter to the Editor, Salem News Randi Pokladnik A public meeting will be held at 9:15 am on February 15 at 105 S. Market Street, Lisbon to gather comments regarding requests to “bar large scale… Read More

Oil Companies Lying to You

Jan 17, 2023 Aaron Dunbar Letter to the Editor Marietta Times “On January 12th, the New York Times published an article entitled “Exxon Scientists Predicted Global Warming, Even as Company Cast Doubts, Study Finds.” I was actually quite… Read More

On climate, making Manchin irrelevant is the only path

WVGazettemail July 26, 2022 Eric Engle The world is being scorched. Europe is suffering under massive heatwaves, as is the U.S, and China. Wildfires, droughts, collapsing glaciers and devastating floods are becoming ubiquitous globally. The U.S’s fastest growing cities like Scottsdale, Arizona… Read More

EPA ruling far from ‘pro-life’

Letters to the editor  Jul 9, 2022 Aaron Dunbar On June 24, America’s far right Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe v. Wade, the landmark decision establishing the constitutionality of abortion in the United States. But what… Read More