EPA works with industry, not ‘overreaching’

(Opinion)Charleston Gazette-Mail  窗体顶端 窗体底端 Republicans in West Virginia are absolutely obsessed with claiming that the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is “overreaching” in its regulation of industry, especially fossil fuels and derivative industries. Hoppy Kercheval just made the claim… Read More

Op-ed: Plenty of drawbacks in Inflation Reduction Act

Aug 20, 2022 Eric Engle editorial@newsandsentinel.com Sen. Joe Manchin III, D-W.Va., shocked us all recently when he agreed to support, and then voted to actually pass, climate and energy legislation known as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022…. Read More

Evolution of climate fight includes faith community

Feb 28, 2022 Eric Engle editorial@newsandsentinel.com I usually ignore ridiculous and nonsensical diatribes like a letter to the editor in the Feb. 20 edition of the Parkersburg News and Sentinel titled “Trust God on climate,” but since the… Read More

We can all make a difference in the world

Jan 19, 2022 In the Bargain Hunter Dr. Randi Pokladnik Seven years ago this month, I started writing columns for the Bargain Hunter. My very first column was about the chemicals in foods. For the past seven years… Read More

Up to us to move forward

Nov 22, 2021 Charles Pickering editorial@newsandsentinel.com As West Virginians, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity before us. The bipartisan infrastructure bill President Biden signed into law includes tens of billions in funding for cleantech investments, and the reconciliation bill,… Read More

Manchin not serving the people of West Virginia

Local columns  Nov 13, 2021 Eric Engle editorial@newsandsentinel.com In the Nov. 6 and 7 edition of the Parkersburg News and Sentinel, oil and gas industry lobbyists wrote a propaganda piece for the ages. While I’m sure they’re quite… Read More

Good plans to move from fossil fuels are out there

The Charleston Gazette-Mail. Oct. 22, 2021 Eric Engle In the Oct. 21 edition of the Charleston Gazette-Mail, Rebecca McPhail, president of the West Virginia Manufacturers Association, wrote a rather condescending op-ed discussing how vital fossil fuels are to… Read More

Time for Manchin to act on climate

By Eric Engle Sep 27, 2021 West Virginia’s senior senator, Joe Manchin III, is certainly the talk of the town these days, so to speak. Or, perhaps, more like the talk of the world. The only way that… Read More

Too Much Fracking Waste & Too Many Unanswered Questions

Christopher Schmitt, Patch Staff Posted Mon, Aug 23, 2021 at 12:24 pm ET Marietta native George Banziger expresses grave concerns about how fracking and injection wells are affecting Washington County. MARIETTA, OH — This is a news release… Read More

The latest climate report is alarming (Opinion)

By Eric Engle Aug 10, 2021 Appearing on-line in the Charleston Gazette-Mail The sixth assessment report of Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) was released Monday, and its findings are beyond dire. It… Read More