The economy, jobs and renewable energy

Appearing in The Parkersburg News and Sentinel: Sunday, October 6, 2019 Local Column: Op-ed by George Banziger, Ph,D. The future of the energy economy and jobs in the U.S. clearly lies in renewables, especially wind and solar power…. Read More

WV can profit from fighting climate crisis

Appearing in the Charleston Gazette-Mail: Sunday, September 8, 2019   Op-ED by Logan Thorne, project director for the WV Center on Climate Change Defeating the climate crisis is necessary — unless we want to lock-in scorching heat waves, rampant… Read More

Planning for a diverse economy is not anti-coal

First appearing in The Parkersburg News and Sentinel Aug 4, 2019 Emmett Pepper (Last) Tuesday, the legislature ended business and occupation (B&O) taxes for the Pleasants Power Station in Willow Island. Much of the discussion of the bill… Read More

Climate change no laughing matter

Appearing in The Register-Herald (Beckley, WV): Tuesday August 6, 2019  GUEST COLUMN by Angie Rosser, executive director of WV Rivers Coalition The July 26 editorial in the Register-Herald, The Temerity to Address Climate Change, was a breath of… Read More

An ‘all-of-the-above’ approach to energy policy

Jul 27, 2019 By David E. Ballantyne I have, in the recent past, heard many people express the phrase; “I believe in an all of the above approach to energy policy.” It is mostly those persons who self-identify… Read More

Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act

Apr 5, 2019 It was with grateful appreciation that I learned that the U.S. House of Representatives had added to their docket H.R. Bill 763; The Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act. Bill 763 offers for the newly… Read More

Climate change and the changing political climate

Jun 22, 2019 By George Banziger, Ph.D. Just as sea levels and global temperatures are rising, public opinion is rising in the direction of greater support for the idea of human-caused climate change. In 2016, 57% of Americans… Read More

Climate Change: Bad News and Good News

Marietta Times 10/14/2018 Viewpoint by George Banziger First the bad news about climate change. This past week the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) raised the alarm with their new report, which stated that global warming needs to… Read More

Exxon, Shell and climate change

Sep 23, 2018 Parkersburg News and Sentinel, Eric Engle Benjamin Franta, a former research fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, and doctoral candidate at Stanford University where… Read More

It’s Time to Act on Climate Change

Daily News Opinion  September 6, 2018 Mark Reynolds – Those of us who understand the existential threat posed by climate change have been waiting for the “Pearl Harbor moment” that galvanizes people and politicians alike into taking action… Read More