Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action to host panel discussion

Apr 24, 2021

Staff Reports


PARKERSBURG — Mid-Ohio Valley Climate Action is celebrating Mother Earth throughout April.

“Our featured events for the month revolve around a great documentary, ‘Kiss the Ground,’” said Adeline Bailey, Climate Action member. “We have joined with Interfaith Power and Light, who have offered a free online viewing period for home viewing from April 10 through April 25 thanks to a special arrangement with ‘Kiss the Ground’ and Roco films. All online viewers must register with IPL.”

According to Interfaith Power and Light, “Kiss the Ground” is a new film how about how regenerating the world’s soils has the potential to rapidly stabilize Earth’s climate, restore lost ecosystems, and create abundant food supplies. The film explains why transitioning to regenerative agriculture could be key in rehabilitating the planet, while simultaneously invigorating a new sense of hope and inspiration in viewers.

Weather permitting, Climate Action and the Green Sanctuary Committee of the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Marietta will hold a COVID-safe outdoor screening of the film 7:30 p.m. April 25 in the church courtyard. The number of attendees will be limited to the COVID-safe regulations and masks and social distancing protocols will be observed.

“After you’ve seen the documentary, you’re invited to join MOVCA on Zoom at 7 p.m. Thursday for ‘Are Solutions to the Climate Crisis Right Under Our Feet?,’ a panel discussion about the relationship between healthy soil and the climate crisis and what you can do to be part of the solution to food justice and climate justice in our community,” Bailey said.

Register in advance for the meeting https://tinyurl.com/tf5sxryr. A confirmation email will be sent containing information about joining the meeting.

“People are calling ‘Kiss the Ground’ the most important film you’ll ever watch, which is a really big claim,” Climate Action Chairman Eric Engle said. “But it just may be true.”