Roads vs. coal

Mar 31, 2019 Thank God for those potholes, they remind us all we are in the Mountain State. Maybe if Gov. Justice would take charge of fixing them instead of complaining about previous administrations we could improve them…. Read More

Solar installer certification course offered locally

Mar 6, 2019 Author, builder and teacher Jay Warmke will be in Marietta March 18-22 teaching Solar Installer Certification at the Unitarian Universalist Church. He has just released two books, “When the BioMass Hits the Wind Turbine” and… Read More

Manchin says

Manchin says climate change must be on “front burner” — but is it even on his stovetop? April Keating and Eric Engle, Gas Committee co-Chairs Senator Joe Manchin III, senior senator from West Virginia, now finds himself as… Read More

Solar needs to be allowed to compete

It’s time for West Virginia to focus on how to grow our economy and encourage entrepreneurship with free markets, sensible regulations and fair competition. Renewable energy stands to benefit from such policy changes. Distributed renewable energy resources like… Read More