I’m sure many people have been sharing the growing uneasiness I have felt this year as one extreme weather disaster after another pounded the U.S. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Marie were each in their own way unprecedented: bigger, longer, slower so that their intensity broke once-in-25,000-year records. I was shocked to see recent pictures of streets in Miami on a clear day with several inches of water covering them, result of a normal high tide. Can you imagine having to accept the Ohio River running in the streets of Parkersburg once or twice a week?
Americans don’t know much about what’s happening in the rest of the world, but events of the past year are too much to take in. Catastrophic flooding occurred in Guatemala, Columbia, Peru, India, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Malaysia, China, and Bangladesh. The unprecedented fires in California reflect years of drought, but there were also unprecedented wildfires in Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, and Chile.
Heat waves kill more people than floods. It was 106 degrees in San Francisco Sept. 1 this year. Records were broken worldwide: Athens, Greece was 111, Australia 117, Turkey 113, Kuwait 124, India 123, Baghdad 124. In July it reached 129 in Basra, Iraq and Turbat, Pakistan. The heat index in Iraq was 165 degrees! We can dismiss occasional extreme weather events as “just the weather,” but these are patterns that look to be a new normal that mean masses of people are going to have to migrate just to survive.
In times like this we need to look to leaders who want to ensure our children and grandchildren have a livable planet. Just last week, the National Climate Assessment, which was mandated by Congress back in 1990 to be issued every four years, produced 2,000 pages of documentation and stated “there is no convincing alternative explanation” for the warming of our planet than human caused greenhouse gas emissions.
Despite this grim picture, I have been encouraged by actions around the world that show that we can change the future. I learned about them from the work of Al Gore and the Climate Leadership Corps he founded. I have personally been inspired to take action and I think you will, too, if you learn more about it. Join us Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. at WVU-P Theater for a showing of “An Inconvenient Sequel” a film that details what Gore and many others around the world are doing to give our children a livable future. It’s a small investment of your time to become educated about the most important issue facing our nation and our world today.
Jean Ambrose
Last Updated: April 30, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Let the market decide the nation’s best energy options
December 2 2017 Opinion column by Jim Probst, state coordinator for WV Citizens Climate Lobby
Charleston Gazette- Mail
Thank you to Daily Mail Opinion for its Nov. 20 editorial headlined “Tariffs threaten growing solar power industry.”
In it, the Daily Mail notes “that a free market better allocates resources and helps create jobs that thrive based on economics, rather than government imposed protections. The market, rather than the government, picks winners and losers.”
The editorial goes on to say that “if the United States is to employ an ‘all of the above energy policy,’ where every form of energy is allowed to compete on its own merits, then the Trump administration should not take steps to hurt the solar industry.”
A free-market approach is exactly what Citizens Climate Lobby has been advocating for the past 10 years now. The reality is that our government has allowed, and sometimes helped, to create a playing field that provides advantages for the use of fossil fuels over renewable forms of energy.
Coal, oil, and gas are allowed to pass on to our society the external costs of their damage to our air, water, roads, mountains, and to our health and are essentially subsidized by us in the form of increased costs.
The use of fossil fuels adds cost to our society at many steps along the way, from how they are extracted, transported, burned, and how their waste is ultimately disposed of. Burning them contributes to an increase in heart disease, cancer, stroke and lung diseases with an associated increase in missed work days, hospital visits, health care costs, and premature deaths.
A Harvard University study from 2005 estimated that our use of coal adds $74.6 billion annually to our national health care costs. A study from 2015 estimates that when we account for the true costs of burning fossil fuels, gasoline would cost an additional $3.80 per gallon, diesel fuel would raise $4.80 per gallon, and burning coal would add 24 cents to the cost of a kilo-watt hour of electricity.
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Nov. 18, 2017 Letters-to-the-Editor by David Ballantyne, Newport, OH
The Marietta Times
I would like to thank the Leadership of the City of Marietta for installation of Solar Panels on the roof of the Municipal Court Building at 3rd and Butler Streets, due for installation during the week of Nov. 13. I also thank the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Marietta for expansion of their Solar Array, due for installation during the week of Nov. 27. Similar Solar Panel installations have been made at Parkersburg High, Parkersburg South and Williamstown High; and, none of these projects cost the Building Owners anything. They were all financed by private companies being repaid for their investment from the energy savings achieved plus from the renewable energy tax credits. The customer saves money while “taking a positive stand.”
I’d like to thank also the fourteen states representing 36.5% of the US population who have formed the “US Climate Alliance” pledging to stay on track towards reducing their climate change inducing green-house gas emissions by 24 – 29% below 2005 levels by 2025. They pledge also to meet the reduction targets set by the Paris Climate Agreement even though the USA as a whole has withdrawn from the agreement. Over three-hundred-fifty US Cities have pledged the same representing citizens within and beyond these fourteen states, including Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus and Oberlin in Ohio. They are “taking a positive stand.”
News channels reported very matter-of-factly during the recent catastrophic and deadly hurricanes that storms moving across warm oceans gain wind and rain strength beyond what would have occurred had the oceans not been indeed warmer than usual to unprecedented levels. They report similarly that air temperatures and associated winds are increased during the drought conditions which prevailed long before the advent of damaging and deadly wild fires. This connection between these causes and effects now seem generally understood – and accepted as the new normal.
Indeed storms and fires are natural, but it is the “risk factors” (such as rising temperatures providing the energy leading to rising wind velocities) which create the conditions generating the likelihood and severity of catastrophic damage once nature triggers the inevitable. Is mankind adding to those risk factors? My background as an Engineer, and my interpretation of science leaves little doubt. So above, I try to remember to say thank you when I see brave and committed people working to stand for reason and sanity as part of the solution to these man-made Climate Change inducing risk factors. Won’t you please join them?
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Our Leaders Must Make Conservation a Priority
Dec. 22 2017 Letters-to-the-Editor by James Andrew Clovis, St. Marys, WV
The Marietta Times
On Dec. 4, President Trump announced he would drastically reduce two of America’s treasured National Monuments: Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante. Bears Ears contains over 100,000 historical archaeological sites. This land is considered sacred to five tribes that formed a coalition to protect it. Navajo peoples believe the buttes of Bear’s Ears to be a shrine which protects them. Can one imagine an 85 percent “reduction” of their Methodist church or Catholic Basilica?
Moreover, both monuments are home to some of our most iconic western species, such as bighorn sheep and to federally listed threatened fish. Ecologists agree that biodiversity is essential to the continued longevity of this planet. The president said the move would open up these unique public areas to energy development: Uranium mining in Bear’s Ears, while coal mining prompts the almost 50 percent reduction of Grand Escalante, an area so geologically rich that 25 dinosaur species have been discovered there and there alone.
When America already has an abundant supply of oil and natural gas, and, as West Virginians know, the coal industry is subsequently dying, racing after one resource at the expense of others is foolish and short-sighted.
The Fayette Tribune reported in 2016 that tourism to public lands in southern West Virginia alone accounted for over $64 million dollars in economic benefits. The National Parks Service estimates over $18 billion were spent near National Parks in 2016.
Nearly every modern president has used the Antiquities Act to legally set aside lands for public use. The president’s authority to rescind another president’s monument designations is being legally questioned. Lawsuits are being filed.
I’m worried that public lands in West Virginia will face similar threats. And I’m worried our Senators will listen to energy companies rather than West Virginians.
Our public lands are at the heart of what it means to be an American, our outdoor heritage at the heart of what it means to be a West Virginian, our recognition that we are not the only species that matters at the heart of what it means to be human.
We need our leaders in Washington and West Virginia to stand up for conservation of public lands.
James Andrew Clovis
St. Marys, W.Va.
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Coal on the Rebound
Dec. 17 2017 Letter-to-the-Editor by Michael Ireland, Parkersburg, WV
The Parkersburg News and Sentinel
An early report shows a slight rise in West Virginia coal purchases as the holiday season begins. One analyst (me) thinks that reveals what the Friends of Coal will get in their Christmas stockings.
Michael Ireland
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Coal and Gas in Appalachia
Dec. 10 2017 Letters-to-the-Editor by Ron Teska, Belleville, WV
The Parkersburg News and Sentinel
We lost our spring when Consol energy plugged a gas well to longwall mine. We lost our water well due to EQT Corporation plugging a gas well. And we are not connected to the tank of chlorinated river water folks are now paying for that used to be their free ice cold crystal clear springs and wells.
Particles of dust as well as methane, toluene, etc., are emitted 24/7. I stopped at a local tavern with six people in the place and every one of them suffers from COPD.
The tanker trucks, and heavy equipment traffic on the roads that used to be dirt roads with grass growing down the middle are running people off the roads and creating accidents and making driving hazardous and toxic with diesel fumes. I talked to a neighbor and mentioned how I was getting run off the roads and he stated “Yea, they run me off the road too,” and lifted his shirt to show 30 stitches down his stomach.
Rents jumped from $200-$300 a month to $1200-$1600 a month per worker. Folks no longer can find places to live, as rental units will not rent for a low price anymore when they can get a lot of money. This appears like it is helping the local folks but in reality families are not renting to their own kin and marginal income folks are not able to stay where they have been for years due to this increase.
Heroine and opioids have infiltrated this area due to the workers and their money and situations.
A bale of straw went from $2 a bale to $16 a bale and gas prices are much higher than before or outside the work areas.
Folks that have lived here for generations are finding themselves taking $150,000 to $300,000 for their ancestral homes. I went to an auction of a 10 acre farm with a small house worth up until now about $40,000. The auctioneer started the bid at $125,000, and Consol Energy raised their hand; auction over. The couple with a baby in their arms waiting to bid on this farm near where their family lives just sadly walked away. And the owner of the farm bought a new pickup truck, went on vacation, and now lives in a camper. The house was torn down.
A local cemetery has had graves sink and the new high school has been cracked by longwall mining.
Ron Teska
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Lets Move Forward
Dec. 3 2017 Letters-to-the-Editor by Judith Peascoe, Vienna, WV
The Parkersburg News and Sentinel
At the time the implementation of the Clean Power Plan is being debated and comments are being taken in Charleston, W.Va., regulators are debating the purchase of the Pleasants County coal-fired power plant.
In his News and Sentinel Letter to the Editor on Sept. 10, Jody Murphy, Executive Director of the Pleasants Area Chamber of Commerce, expresses his willingness to subsidize the purchase and operation of the Pleasants County power plant financially by paying an extra $5 a month to preserve the power-plant jobs.
Unfortunately, the plant’s technology is obsolete. It does not have the latest technology to prevent pollutants from spewing into the air–pollutants which cause susceptible people, especially children, to have asthma attacks. It produces waste contaminated with heavy metals that may not be properly and permanently contained.
Governor Justice has acknowledged that coal-fired plants are not competitive economically by asking for a federal subsidy for power plants purchasing coal. In addition, the West Virginia legislature and the federal government have weakened the Clean Water Acts to allow more toxic waste to be discharged into water flows. This is an open acknowledgment that coal-fired power plants should be phased out. In addition the Mid-Ohio Valley is noted for its health-damaging air quality.
Difficult times require novel solutions. My husband grew up in Los Angelos. Thirty-five years ago, California was faced with limited water supplies, horrible air quality and the need for more power. Rather than build new power plants the utilities and the state offered consumers inducements to conserve energy. The reduction in energy use meant that the utilities didn’t have to build new power plants. California is actively supporting renewable energy installations such as roof-top solar installations, wind farms, and solar farms, biomass, and hydro. This work provided jobs. Pollution was reduced. The air became cleaner. Recent reports tell us that solar and wind technology is now competitive in price with nuclear and coal power plants.
I would rather pay that extra five dollars on my utility bill to subsidize a plan of energy conservation, job retraining, reduced pollution and renewable energy generation than to subsidize an obsolete coal fired plant that First Energy wants to get rid of. That plant is no bargain for West Virginians.
Judith Peascoe
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Clean Power Plan
Letter from Don Lowe in Sun. 19 Nov. N&S:
Speak out on Clean Power Plan
19 Nov 2017 — The Parkersburg News And Sentinel
On Nov. 28 and 29, the U.S. EPA will hold a public hearing in Charleston for input regarding Trump’s repeal of the Clean Power Plan to fulfill his misguided, stupid, and harmful campaign promise to encourage coal fired power plants. This is the only public hearing the EPA will hold – and right in the heart of coal country! What does that tell you? They are expecting overwhelming, albeit selfishly motivated, public support for their potentially disastrous plan. Apparently one Texas, Gulf Coast, and Puerto Rican disaster and expense hasn’t been enough. Remember, these are your tax dollars.
While some may think it admirable that the EPA is showing concern for miners welfare, they (miners) only constitute about 2 percent of West Virginia’s population. What about the welfare of the other 98 percent, and the rest of the planet? Public participation is vitally important to hopefully overwhelm the coal company’s lobbyists that will surely be there. To speak at the hearing you must pre-register by calling 1-888-627-7764. Show the EPA that your grandchildren’s welfare trumps lining the pockets of a few coal company executives.
Don Lowe
“Speak out on Clean Power Plan” The Parkersburg News And Sentinel 19 Nov 2017: A5
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
I’m In
From Giulia Mannarino in Sun. 19 Nov. N&S:
Support Paris Agreement
19 Nov 2017 — The Parkersburg News And Sentinel
The U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Climate Change Agreement will not stop the rest of the world from continuing to advance toward a clean energy future. The global community is negotiating how to achieve goals set in this historic document at the United Nations annual Conference of the Parties (“COP23”) taking place in Bonn, Germany. Since Syria recently decided to sign this accord, the U.S. is now the only country in the world not supporting it!
The current administration is denying the existence of this problem and is busy rolling back regulations, cutting budgets and weakening climate policies. (By the way, the only public hearing being held in the nation by the EPA regarding repeal of the Clean Power Plan is scheduled in Charleston, W.Va., on Nov. 28 and 29.) No other political party on the planet rejects the international scientific community’s consensus that global warming is both caused by humans and poses a profound threat to civilization.
A not-well-known fact is that the U.S. withdrawal won’t take effect until Nov. 4, 2020, which happens to be the day after our next presidential election. However, in the meantime, Donald Trump does not represent the will of the countless American people, including the majority of Americans in every state, who support the Paris Agreement and believe in climate action. There is something you can do to help protect our country’s involvement in this important pact that is meant to curb carbon pollution and avoid the worst impacts of climate change before it’s too late.
You can add your name as someone who supports the goals of the Paris Agreement by joining the “I Am Still In” movement at iamstillin.org/. U.S. states, cities, businesses, investors, universities, faith based groups and other entities across the country are collaborating to continue to work toward the goals of the agreement. They’re still in and you can be too. Tell our leaders and the 194 countries committed to the Paris Agreement that you personally support the Paris Agreement. Stand with people everywhere in the fight against climate change and commit to creating a clean, just energy future together despite the U.S. political climate.
Also, everyone is welcome to help build our local volunteer climate movement by getting involved in Mid Ohio Valley Climate Action.
Giulia Mannarino
“Support Paris Agreement” The Parkersburg News And Sentinel 19 Nov 2017: A5
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Change and Consequences
I’m sure many people have been sharing the growing uneasiness I have felt this year as one extreme weather disaster after another pounded the U.S. Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Marie were each in their own way unprecedented: bigger, longer, slower so that their intensity broke once-in-25,000-year records. I was shocked to see recent pictures of streets in Miami on a clear day with several inches of water covering them, result of a normal high tide. Can you imagine having to accept the Ohio River running in the streets of Parkersburg once or twice a week?
Americans don’t know much about what’s happening in the rest of the world, but events of the past year are too much to take in. Catastrophic flooding occurred in Guatemala, Columbia, Peru, India, Philippines, Sierra Leone, Thailand, Malaysia, China, and Bangladesh. The unprecedented fires in California reflect years of drought, but there were also unprecedented wildfires in Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, and Chile.
Heat waves kill more people than floods. It was 106 degrees in San Francisco Sept. 1 this year. Records were broken worldwide: Athens, Greece was 111, Australia 117, Turkey 113, Kuwait 124, India 123, Baghdad 124. In July it reached 129 in Basra, Iraq and Turbat, Pakistan. The heat index in Iraq was 165 degrees! We can dismiss occasional extreme weather events as “just the weather,” but these are patterns that look to be a new normal that mean masses of people are going to have to migrate just to survive.
In times like this we need to look to leaders who want to ensure our children and grandchildren have a livable planet. Just last week, the National Climate Assessment, which was mandated by Congress back in 1990 to be issued every four years, produced 2,000 pages of documentation and stated “there is no convincing alternative explanation” for the warming of our planet than human caused greenhouse gas emissions.
Despite this grim picture, I have been encouraged by actions around the world that show that we can change the future. I learned about them from the work of Al Gore and the Climate Leadership Corps he founded. I have personally been inspired to take action and I think you will, too, if you learn more about it. Join us Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. at WVU-P Theater for a showing of “An Inconvenient Sequel” a film that details what Gore and many others around the world are doing to give our children a livable future. It’s a small investment of your time to become educated about the most important issue facing our nation and our world today.
Jean Ambrose
Last Updated: April 29, 2023 by main_y0ke11
Third Thursday public showing
*Thursday, January 18, 2018, 7-9 p.m.: MOVCA Public Outreach Third Thursday Program: “The Climate Reality Project and Al Gore’s Leadership Core Training” at First Christian Church. 1400 Washington Ave., Parkersburg. Presentation by Jean Ambrose and Giulia Mannarino, MOVCA Co-Vice Chairs and newly certified Climate Reality Leaders.
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