Clean Power Plan

Letter from Don Lowe in Sun. 19 Nov. N&S:

Speak out on Clean Power Plan
19 Nov 2017 — The Parkersburg News And Sentinel
On Nov. 28 and 29, the U.S. EPA will hold a public hearing in Charleston for input regarding Trump’s repeal of the Clean Power Plan to fulfill his misguided, stupid, and harmful campaign promise to encourage coal fired power plants. This is the only public hearing the EPA will hold – and right in the heart of coal country! What does that tell you? They are expecting overwhelming, albeit selfishly motivated, public support for their potentially disastrous plan. Apparently one Texas, Gulf Coast, and Puerto Rican disaster and expense hasn’t been enough. Remember, these are your tax dollars.

While some may think it admirable that the EPA is showing concern for miners welfare, they (miners) only constitute about 2 percent of West Virginia’s population. What about the welfare of the other 98 percent, and the rest of the planet? Public participation is vitally important to hopefully overwhelm the coal company’s lobbyists that will surely be there. To speak at the hearing you must pre-register by calling 1-888-627-7764. Show the EPA that your grandchildren’s welfare trumps lining the pockets of a few coal company executives.

Don Lowe


“Speak out on Clean Power Plan” The Parkersburg News And Sentinel 19 Nov 2017: A5