Month: January 2023

Suggested Readings for February 2023

MOVCA January 2022 Selected Media Postings Compiled by Cindy Taylor Appearing on-line in the Charleston Gazette-Mail:  viewing available only to subscribers See Articles by Mike Tony, Environment and Energy Reporter Appearing on-line on WTAP: January 11, 2023… Read More

Climate Corner: An intergenerational partnership

Jan 28, 2023 Jean Ambrose When America was attacked on 9/11, more than 20 years ago and before anyone now in high school was born, there was a prevalent idea that if there were the smallest chance… Read More

Climate Corner: Maple syrup season approaches – but for how much longer?

Jan 21, 2023 Rebecca Phillips If you are like me, you look forward to each year’s maple syrup crop. After tasting the real thing, the artificially flavored and colored substance that passes for syrup in most grocery… Read More

Oil Companies Lying to You

Jan 17, 2023 Aaron Dunbar Letter to the Editor Marietta Times “On January 12th, the New York Times published an article entitled “Exxon Scientists Predicted Global Warming, Even as Company Cast Doubts, Study Finds.” I was actually quite… Read More

Climate Corner: Your water is not all right

Jan 14, 2023 Callie Lyons When is DuPont going to provide a means of filtering Parkersburg water supplies contaminated with highly fluorinated chemicals like those we call C8 or Gen-X? Twenty years ago this coming June, I… Read More

Climate Corner: All in this greenhouse together

Jan 7, 2023 Giulia Mannarino Although the basic physics of climate change have been known for more than a century, it remained out of the public’s attention for decades. In the 1980s, media outlets began bringing scientists’… Read More

Suggested Readings for January 2023

MOVCA November – December 2022 Selected Media Postings Compiled by Cindy Taylor Appearing online in The Parkersburg News and Sentinel:  November 29, 2022  Business Article, Staff Reports “Mountaineer Gas, Hope Gas customers to see rate increase” November 12,… Read More